Teachers need a moon phases review game that is easy to use. This is it! Grab this self-checking, differentiated, board game for your class now!

Table of Contents

1. This Moon Phases Review Game is Easy to Assemble

Seriously. This moon phases review game is a board game that is an instant download to a PDF file. Simply print on legal sized paper, then trim the edges, tape together and laminate. Or don’t laminate if you are in a hurry!

Just follow the steps below to make a board game that involves taping just two pieces of paper together!

I’m a middle school Science teacher and TPT author. My goal is to share useful resources to make your life easier.

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2. The Moon Phases Review Questions are Differentiated

There are a few reasons for this: we all have students who are at different levels. Differentiating the questions allows us to level the playing field and help those students feel successful. 

The card sets can also be used in a different way. Your students will naturally get more proficient as they play the game using the multiple choice questions. When you feel they have mastered that deck, give them the other deck for an extra challenge. 

3. The Game is Self-Checking

Students will always have access to the answers. This makes it possible for the teacher to successfully run several groups at a time and not have to answer questions for each one. It also reinforces knowledge. 

4. Kid-Friendly Directions are Included

While written directions are provided for students, I always find it helpful for my students to give them a talk in the beginning on how to play. 

Basically, students choose a card, read it out loud, and have to answer. Another student has the Cheat Sheet. If the student answers correctly, they roll the die. If the answer incorrectly, their turn is over. 

Game is over when the first student lands on the Finish square with the correct number. They cannot go over in number. 

5. Don't Have Dice? Use Online Dice

Try rolladie.net. Honestly, there are dozens of sites that offer free digital dice.

We use one die during gameplay. Notice that it is quite a large game board and can take your students quite a while to get around the board. If you want it to go faster, use two dice, but take out the rule of landing on the exact count at the end or someone may get stuck. 

6. This Moon Phases Review Game is Darn Easy To Get!

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Instant Download!

Review the phases of the moon with this large game board. Self-checking and differentiated game makes it easy for the teacher!

Obviously this is a review game. We needed to learn the subject first. On the right is the resource we used to learn about the phases of the moon before playing this game.

What is nice about it is it comes in both color digital and print so I can upload it to my school’s LMS. I also made copies for my students to have in class while we were learning.

My students played this review game after they studied the phases of the moon for about a week. 

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Phases of the Moon Lesson

Teach the phases of the moon! Available in digital and print format. Easily printed or uploaded to any LMS.

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