In this article: This blog focuses on how to obtain a FREE solar system lesson plan. Featuring digital and print lessons, task cards and worksheets! Perfect for any classroom!

Table of Contents

Free Solar System Lesson Plan?? Yes Please!

I just LOVE teaching Astronomy! It is so great to see the look of wonder and awe on my students’ faces as they realize just how small planet Earth is in relation to the universe. One of my favorite topics to teach are the planets in the solar system. That’s why I want to share my free solar system lesson plan with you. 

I don’t know about you, but the textbooks in my school district are OLD, like really old. Written before my students were born old. Published when Pluto was still a planet. Created when the ISS was still a dream . . . 

The cool part about teaching astronomy is that it is always changing. As NASA technology gets better, they learn more about our universe. It can be hard to keep up with these changes unless you have a real passion for it. And I have to tell you, I pretty much geek out over all things astronomy. 

So I jumped right in and started to create resources for my middle school science class. I am now just wrapping up my third year of officially making resources for my classroom and I have learned a ton of new things about creating for teachers. That’s why I want to share this resource with you for free. I also invite you to check out my blog page for other science and teaching related topics.  Keep reading for the planets of the solar system activity.

I’m a middle school Science teacher and TPT author. My goal is to share useful resources to make your life easier.

Do you want science freebies, tips and survival techniques? To start you out, you will receive a HUGE planets lesson!

Planets of the Solar System Freebie?!? Yes, Please!

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Now that I have a considerable amount of products in my store, I have decided to start an email list. This will give me a way to keep in touch with like-minded teachers to showcase my products and give away freebies!

On the left is what would be sold for $10.00 in my store, but is available for FREE here. If you would like to sign up for tips and freebies, click here!

Free Solar System Lesson Plan Pictures

Download This Free Jupiter Infographic

Picture of solar system planets free printables lesson

I also created this infographic about Jupiter. Want to download if for yourself? Go ahead and click below for the PDF version. Print it out or upload it to your school’s Learning Management System and share it with your classes!

FYI: You need a Google account in order to download this PDF. 

Additional Planetary Resources

I just released this fun and interactive activity! I am really looking forward to trying it out with my students next year. I have included notes pages and worksheets along with a fun digital and interactive activity! I love using color images to teach about the planets. 

This resource includes:

  • Fully digital and interactive activity
  • PowerPoint or Google Slides resource
  • Notes sheets
  • Review sheet
  • Quiz

This lesson on the dwarf planets is the next lesson in the unit. It details what makes a planet a dwarf planet, and where most dwarf planets are found. Just like the other lessons, this features a digital and print lesson along with worksheet. Teach new stuff! Dwarf planets are cool!

Need an easy to implement, no-prep lesson? This is it! The sun is the brightest star in our night sky and is composed of different layers, each with unique features. This lesson is digital or print ready and perfect for distance learning. Students will learn the sun is made of plasma and has a strong magnetic field. This magnetic field is responsible for the occurrences such as solar flares and prominences that happen within it.


Check Out My Other Blog Posts!

2 Responses

  1. This is quality work regarding the topic! I guess I’ll have to bookmark this page. See my website 46N for content about Thai-Massage and I hope it gets your seal of approval, too!

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