Phases of the Moon Worksheets

Make it easy for your students to review the lunar phases with these differentiated moon phase worksheets. PDF format ensures an easy upload to any Learning Management System your school uses. PDF format is also great for printing!
Three differentiated worksheets are included, each with varying degrees of difficulty make planning your lesson a breeze. Note, two worksheets are similar to each other, but the true/false section has been edited for differentiation. Answer keys are included, making implementation of this lesson a breeze!


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These Phases of the Moon Worksheets are a great review for your moon phases lesson!

Make it easy for your students to review the lunar phases with these differentiated moon phase worksheets. PDF format ensures an easy upload to any Learning Management System your school uses. PDF format is also great for printing!
Three differentiated worksheets are included, each with varying degrees of difficulty make planning your lesson a breeze. Note, two worksheets are similar to each other, but the true/false section has been edited for differentiation. Answer keys are included, making implementation of this lesson a breeze!

Prior knowledge for these phases of the moon worksheets:

  • Pattern of lunar phases. Students should understand that the moon is predictable and cyclical in nature. Knowing where the moon is in relation to the Earth and Sun can determine which phase the moon is in.
  • Order of the phases of the moon. Students will understand that it takes about one week to go about one quarter of the way around the Earth.
  • Which phase precedes and follows a particular moon phase. This is a skill that shows a depth of learning the moon phases.
  • Time of one complete revolution of the moon
  • Prediction of moon phases and time of phases
  • If your students cannot meet the above criteria, they may not be ready for these worksheets just yet. We recommend you start them out with our Moon Phases lesson first. This resource will prepare your students for these worksheets, and comes with its own worksheet and quiz.

🌕 🌗 🌑  Need a complete lesson on Moon Phases? Check this out: 

Moon Phases Lesson  🌕 🌓 🌑

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