Black History Month Activity James McLurkin


This Black History Month activity is perfect for your classroom. Teach your students about amazing individuals such as James McLurkin. McLurkin is a computer scientist that has built over one hundred robots! This resource can help fulfill a career component in your classroom, supplement your Science or Technology class, or help you celebrate diversity or Black History Month!


Black History Month Activity featuring James McLurkin

This Black History Month activity is perfect for your classroom. Teach your students about amazing individuals such as James McLurkin. McLurkin is a computer scientist that has built over one hundred robots! This resource can help fulfill a career component in your classroom, supplement your Science or Technology class, or help you celebrate diversity or Black History Month!

Black History Month Activity featuring James Mc.LurkinThis Black History Month Activity Includes:

  • One page biography
  • Comprehension puzzle activity
  • Research page. Can be used as a summary or to encourage students to look further into McLurkin’s life. This method is highly encouraged!
  • Answer sheet
  • Two video links for enrichment of this lesson.




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Why is James McLurkin perfect for a Black History Month Activity?

Black History Month Activity featuring James McLurkin

James McLurkin made important contributions to the fields of robotics and engineering and serves as an inspiration for future generations. McLurkin, an African American roboticist, is renowned for his groundbreaking work in swarm robotics. He has developed algorithms and techniques for coordinating large groups of simple robots to perform complex tasks.

McLurkin’s achievements in robotics are particularly significant because they challenge stereotypes and break barriers. He is an African American scientist in a predominantly white and male field. McLurkin’s success serves as a powerful example of representation and diversity in STEM. His accomplishments demonstrate that anyone, regardless of their background, can excel in scientific fields and contribute to groundbreaking research.

Moreover, McLurkin’s work has practical applications in various industries. This includes disaster response, environmental monitoring, and exploration. His research on swarm robotics has paved the way for advancements in autonomous systems, leading to more efficient and adaptable technologies.

By highlighting James McLurkin’s accomplishments during Black History Month, we celebrate his contributions to robotics, his trailblazing role in STEM, and his inspirational journey as an African American scientist. His work serves as a testament to the importance of diversity, representation, and innovation in shaping the future of scientific exploration and discovery.

Black History Month Bulletin Board

Interactive Black History Month Bulletin Board

Use this Black History Month bulletin board to inspire your students during the entire month of February!

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