Middle School Black History Month Bulletin Board Interactive Activity


Black History Month Printable Interactive Display for Bulletin Boards

This black history month bulletin board printable set is great for elementary or middle school. Featuring TWELVE African-American scientists and inventors, this resource is perfect for displaying in your room or on your bulletin board. Included in the resource is a Black History Month research activity, so students can dive deeper into these important people.


Black History Month Printable Interactive Display for Bulletin Boards

Black History Month Bulletin Board – This black history month bulletin board printable set is great for elementary or middle school. Featuring TWELVE African-American scientists and inventors, this resource is perfect for displaying in your room or on your bulletin board. Included in the resource is a Black History Month research activity, so students can dive deeper into these important people.

Don’t miss my Black History Month Bulletin Board Blog! Click Here!

This Black History month bulletin board includes short biographies of twelve African-American scientists:

  • Dr. Patricia Bath
  • Mark Dean
  • Dr. Kyla McMullen
  • Dr. Mae Jemison
  • Katherine Johnson
  • James McLurkin
  • David Harold Blackwell
  • Dr. Reva K. Williams
  • Thomas L. Jennings
  • Sarah E. Goode
  • Dr. Neil DeGrasse-Tyson
  • Guion Bluford

👋🏼  Also included is a research sheet for students to further research one of these influential scientists.

Tips for using this Black History Month bulletin board in your classroom:

  • Review each scientist, then assign a scientist to one or two students. They will research and find out more information, then present it to the class and post it on the bulletin board.
  • Have students find other African-Americans that deserve to be on the bulletin board. Students research that person, then present to the class and post their biography on the bulletin board.
  • Students pick a scientist from the bulletin board. They write a paragraph on what they would ask them about their lives if they got to meet them.

Take it Further!

📚  Challenge your students find a different scientist not mentioned in this bulletin board. Students can research, then add to the bulletin board.

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