Moon Phases Activities – Exit Tickets or Bell Ringers

These TWENTY moon phases activities will have your class correctly identifying the phases of the moon in no time! Use as either bell ringers, exit tickets or however you choose to use them! Available in both print AND digital versions, these moon phase reviews are sure to suit the needs of any type of classroom. This resource is perfectly formatted for getting your students down to business in the beginning of the class or for formative assessment at the end of a lesson.

Keep reading for more information about this product!


Moon Phases Activities – Exit Tickets or Bell Ringers are Perfect for Your Class!

These TWENTY moon phases activities will have your class correctly identifying the phases of the moon in no time! Use as either bell ringers, exit tickets or however you choose to use them! Available in both print AND digital versions, these moon phase reviews are sure to suit the needs of any type of classroom. This resource is perfectly formatted for getting your students down to business in the beginning of the class or for formative assessment at the end of a lesson.


Easy to use format in PowerPoint means an easy upload to Google Slides if needed.

Why Should Teachers Use Bell Ringers or Exit Tickets in Their Classroom?

Teachers should utilize bellringers and exit tickets in their classrooms for several important reasons. First, these quick and targeted assessment tools allow teachers to gather valuable information about student understanding and progress. By using bellringers at the beginning of a class, teachers can assess prior knowledge, activate students’ thinking, and determine any misconceptions or knowledge gaps that need to be addressed. Similarly, exit tickets at the end of a lesson provide immediate feedback on students’ comprehension and help teachers evaluate the effectiveness of their instructional strategies.

Bellringers and exit tickets also promote active engagement and participation. They serve as a structured routine that signals the start or end of a lesson, helping students transition and focus their attention. These short activities encourage students to think critically, reflect on their learning, and make connections to the content. Additionally, they create opportunities for students to express their thoughts, ask questions, and share their understanding with the teacher.

Picture of Moon phases activities exit tickets or bell ringers Picture of Moon phases activities exit tickets or bell ringers Picture of Moon phases activities exit tickets or bell ringers Picture of Moon phases activities exit tickets or bell ringers







Need exit tickets/bell ringers for any subject? Check out these tickets for any lesson. Available with prompts or without.

Check out my blog on how I use exit tickets in my own classroom.


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