Planets of the Solar System Review Game

Do you want a fresh new activity to amplify your planets of the solar system lesson? Try this solar system review activity board game! Students who are studying the inner and outer planets of the solar system as part of their astronomy unit will love this self-checking game.


This Planets of the Solar System Review is Perfect for Your Classroom!

Why is it perfect for your room? The large game board allows groups of students to work together without feeling crowded. Make sure to laminate and use year after year. 

Why Should You Use This Planets Review?

  • Color board game uses TWO legal sized papers to make the board large.
  • TWO levels of questions help your students build confidence. Start them out with multiple choice and progress to open-ended. Great for differentiation!
  • Included “Cheat Sheet” for students is simple to use and makes this game self-checking.
  • Easy for a sub to use just in case you need easy lesson plans.
  • Simple directions for printing and cutting make this solar system review game an easy win!

Including a copy of the answers at each game board eliminates the teacher needing to hover at each station. A student who is not answering the question checks the “Cheat Sheet” to ensure accuracy.

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