Inside: Stop searching for Black History Month bulletin board ideas because you found it! This interactive bulletin board is perfect for your class.

Looking for shiny new Black History Month Bulletin Board ideas and inspiration? Most teachers are right now, right? This is such an important topic to cover, no matter what subject you teach. Frankly, Black History should be taught all year, not just one month of the year, but that is another topic for another time. 

The bulletin board I am about to show you features 12 African-Americans that faced incredible challenges and yet despite everything, succeeded.  They now have important careers dedicated to making human life better. 

Table of Contents

I’m a middle school Science teacher and TPT author. My goal is to share useful resources to make your life easier.

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Why Do We Celebrate Black History Month in February?

Black History has not always been celebrated. It first started in 1976. Its purpose is to celebrate the contributions and sacrifices Black Americans have made over the course of history. It is celebrated in February because of Carter Woodson, a scholar and the second Black person to graduate from Harvard. He chose February because Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass both have birthdays in this month. Both of these individuals were instrumental in freeing the slaves.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Short Bio of Included African-Americans

Dr. Patricia Bath

Patricia Bath is most well-known for her invention of a laser probe that removes cataracts from eyes. She also worked to making eye care a basic human right. 

David Harold Blackwell

A mathematician by trade, he made enormous contributions to game theory and statistics. He was the first African-American to be inducted into the National Academy of Sciences.

Guion Bluford

Bluford was originally a combat pilot in the U.S. Air Force. He then became an astronaut for NASA and was the first African-American in space.

Dr. Mark Dean

As an engineer for IBM, Dean helped to invent the first personal computer. This changed the way humans utilize computers and devices.

Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson

This popular scientist is also an author and TV host. He has been on several shows and has received many awards for his expertise in the field of astronomy.

Sarah E. Goode

An inventor, Good became the first African-American woman to sign a patent. She is credited with inventing a folding cabinet bed.

Thomas L. Jennings

Jennings, an inventor, was the first African-American to receive a patent. He invented a dry-cleaning process that revolutionized the business.

Dr. Mae Jemison

Jemison spent 8 days in space. She is credited with being the fist African-American woman in space. Before her job as an astronaut, she was a physician. 

Katherine Johnson

Known as a “human computer”, Johnson worked for NASA for over 30 years. She helped get astronauts to the moon safely.

Dr. Kyla McMullen

Dr. McMullen is the first African-American woman to receive her Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Michigan. 

Dr. James McLurkin

McLurkin currently works for Google as an engineer. He is credited with inventing over 100 robots!

Dr. Reva K. Williams

Williams is an astrophysicist. She was also the first African-American to receive a Ph.D. in this major. 

Tips and Techniques for teaching Black History Month Lessons

Picture of a person with a book in front of their face

There are many different ways to teach Black History. For instance, this blog post is about using a bulletin board for this exact purpose. 

The Center for Racial Justice in Education has a great website that offers many ideas. Make sure to check it out

Another great site is NPR. This site has a great article called Teaching Students a New Black History and also a 3 minute podcast. Check it out here


Black History Month Bulletin Board Example

Black History Month Bulletin Board Heading

Included with this bulletin board set are the letters spelling out “Black History Month”. What makes this lettering great is the ability for the teacher to print them on any colored paper of their choice. I really like printing on white paper and backing the letters with a different color.

Use the settings on your printer to make the letters larger or smaller to suit your individual bulletin boards! 

How to Make This Bulletin Board Interactive

You can simply affix these posters to your bulletin board and call it a day. But that wouldn’t be any fun! Here are some suggestions to make this bulletin board interactive and take their learning to a new level.

  1. Before displaying the posters on the bulletin board, place them around the room. Have students complete a “gallery walk”. This simply means they walk around the room observing each poster. They can use Post Its to leave a comment about something they admired about that person near the poster. 
  2. If your students are too young for the first method, read the posters to the class and have students write a comment on a paper. Go over their thoughts at the end. 
  3. Randomly assign one person from the bulletin board to a set of students. Their task is to use the research sheet to find out more about their person. There is a lot out there! Students can give a report on their findings and then post their research paper next to the person on the bulletin board.
  4. Instead of using the African-Americans from the bulletin boards, give your students a different kind of challenge. Have them find a different notable African-American that they feel should be added to the bulletin board.
    1. Have a debate as to which new African-American they found is the most important to American history.

FYI: I created everything here by using PowerPoint. I just LOVE PowerPoint, it is so much more than just presentation software. If you want to sharpen your PowerPoint skills, check out my PowerPoint Tips blog here. 

Finish With Exit Tickets

exit tickets, exit slips, editable exit tickets, editable exit slips, using exit tickets in the classroom

One way to close this Black History bulletin board idea lesson is with Exit Tickets. Using exit tickets gives your students one last chance to reflect upon the lesson. They also give the teacher a better understanding of who grasped the information and who needs a bit more time. They are great for differentiation!

These exit tickets are great because they offer editable and pre-made tickets. There are also larger sizes. I personally like half-sheet tickets, to allow my students to draw as well as write their answer. 

Check out my blog about using printable exit tickets in the classroom. Or visit my TPT store to snag them for yourself!

Black History Month Books for Your Classroom

How about a Super Duper Planets Freebie??

Teacher friends, this freebie  contains so much information! Download it for free and let me know what you think. I know you will love it. 

Amigo Science Site Logo

How Do I get This Black History Month Bulletin Board Idea?

I am so excited to share this resource with you! It includes not only the twelve scientists, but the bulletin board heading as well. I am looking forward to hearing how teachers use this item in their classroom. Please let me know!

Additional Black History Month Ideas

Black History Month Martin Luther King Bulletin Board Coloring Poster

Black History Month Martin Luther King Collaborative Poster Activity Door Poster - Cover Image

Engage your students in learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and celebrating Black History Month with this collaborative poster craft! This no-prep, print-and-go activity encourages teamwork, creativity, and discussions about Dr. King’s legacy in an interactive way. Perfect for classrooms, hallways, and Black History Month displays!


Black History Month Activity Booklet

Black History Month Activity, Black History Month Scientists, Black History Month Project, Black History Month Booklet

This Black History Month Activity booklet helps students understand the critical role African-Americans have played in the development of our modern world. This booklet features six carefully selected scientists your students will find interesting to study. Students will read a short biography about each individual, then complete fun puzzles as a comprehension review for each scientist. This booklet is extremely easy to assemble.

Booklet is easy to use. Just print, fold and staple for each of your students! Directions are included.


Black History Month Lesson Bundle

Black History Month Activity Bundle

Celebrate Black History Month by studying African-American scientists. This resource features six influential African-Americans in the field of science. Each scientist is a separate lesson with a short biography, fun comprehension puzzle, and research sheet to take the lesson to the next level. Complete all lessons together, or choose one scientist per day to extend the lesson throughout the month. Use this resource to celebrate Black History Month in your classroom. Perfect for online or in-school learners.

Keep reading for more information about this product!


Black History Month Activity James McLurkin

Black History Month Activity featuring Dr. James McLurkin

This Black History Month activity is perfect for your classroom. Teach your students about amazing individuals such as James McLurkin. McLurkin is a computer scientist that has built over one hundred robots! This resource can help fulfill a career component in your classroom, supplement your Science or Technology class, or help you celebrate diversity or Black History Month!


Black History Month Activity – Patricia Bath

Black History Month Activity featuring Dr. Patricia Bath

Celebrate Black History Month by studying African-American scientists with your students such as Dr. Patricia Bath. She was the first African-Amerian woman to complete a residency in ophthalmology with many other accomplishments! Use this resource to celebrate Black History Month in your classroom.


Middle School Black History Month Biography Activity – James Harris

Black History Month Activity featuring Dr. James Harris

Looking for a great Black History Month activity? Here it is! Celebrate Black History Month by studying African-American scientists such as James Harris. Harris was instrumental in developing two new elements and lead the Heavy Isotopes Group in his research facility. Use this resource to celebrate Black History Month in your classroom.



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