Picture of teacher with nice classroom decor

Classroom Decor on a Science Website?

That's right! Amigo Science is branching out into the world of classroom decor and it has been fantastic! This site isn't just for Science teachers anymore! Besides, even Science teachers want a nice classroom! ☺️ My newest design (and the one currently in my own classroom) is buffalo check. Examples of these products are below. Have any other ideas for classroom decor? Hit me up at info@amigoscience.com and let me know your ideas. Still looking for science products? How about classroom management resources or FREEBIES? Scroll down to find some!

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Classroom Decor Resources

Red Plaid

Red Plaid Decor Freebie

Check out the plaid pattern with this desk name tag FREEBIE!

Earth Tones

Classroom Decor Freebie

Check out the earth tones pattern with this desk name tag FREEBIE!

Planets of the Solar System

Sign up for the newsletter and get 2 lesson plans, assignments in digital and print, worksheets, task cards, boom cards and more!

Layers of the Atmosphere Graphic

Sign up for the newsletter and download this graphic as a tool for teaching the layers of the atmosphere.

Layers of the Atmosphere

Use this digital book to teach the layers of the atmosphere.

Don't Forget!

Mother's day is May 14th

Mother's Day gift activity for students
Picture of Earth Day Bundle of Activities for Middle School Students

Save $$ with these Earth Day Activities!

Bundles save you money!